Hebert Poll Gutierrez
Creative Writing, Poetry
My name is Hebert Poll Gutiérrez. I am a Cuban Canadian author, poet, playwright and storyteller writer with 16 years of experience. I believe in the power of art to shape realities. Through Poetry and Creative Writing, I will teach my students how to be, how to do and how to live together in harmony.
I have published 10 books in different genres. My latest publications are:
“Whispers from the Black Gods” (Poetry) The Elite Lizzard Publishing Company, Canada, 2022.
Quarantine: Stories of a Post Covid Artist (Theatre) Saga Egmont Publishers, Denmark, 2022.
Some of my writings appear in magazines and in more than 20 anthologies from Cuba, Venezuela, Canada, Spain, the United States, Mexico, Germany, and other countries.
My theatre plays have been represented by companies from Latin America, Europe, and Canada. I’m a member of several cultural organizations in Canada. Among them, we can mention:
SpanicArts, a nonprofit organization to support and promote the work of Hispanic artists in Calgary, Canadá.
INDAI (International Network of Dance and Art Institutions| Montreal, Canada.
ASITEJ (International Association of Theatre for Children and Young People)
Member of Playwrights Guild of Canada.
Member of ICAI (Immigrant Council for Arts Innovation).
Member of FAVA (Film and Video Arts Society Alberta).
Member of Alberta Media Arts Alliance Society (AMAAS).
I was named Calgary’s Artist of the Month in December 2021 by the Immigrant Council for Arts Innovation (ICAI).