Dr. Reid Friedson, PhD
REID FRIEDSON, PhD in Comparative Religion and Holistic Counseling, is a historian, writer, editor, and governance and education expert. Dr. Friedson has authored and edited over 300 academic textbooks, study guides, online courses, national college-level subject certification exams, scholarly, scientific, literary, and mass media articles, grant guides, and institutional effectiveness plans.
Dr. Friedson served on the editorial board of the Journal of Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness. Dr. Friedson authored a fillable Guide to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Partnerships Grant for Climate Smart Commodities: Building Markets and Investing in America’s Climate-Smart Farmers, Ranchers and Forest Owners to Strengthen U.S. Rural and Agricultural Communities.
Dr. Friedson was creator and partner first with the News Break app and then Medium.com (https://reidfriedsonphd.medium.com/) which reach over 215 million readers a month. In just the first three (3) months of (Q1) 2021 with News Break, Dr. Friedson’s fifty-three (53) multi-media essays in the arts and sciences, culture and society, law and politics, justice and spirituality, and metaphysics and converging technologies attracted well over 1 million online impressions and 5,200 “kudos.”
Dr. Reid Friedson was honored (2018-19) on Florida’s Space Coast as the first Terasem Movement, Inc. Resident Scholar in Converging Technologies. Dr. Friedson’s cutting-edge research writings in natural and applied biological, space, and social sciences, and the arts and humanities are referenced by leading scientists at the Max Planck Institute, NASA, MIT, Caltech, Oxford University, Johns Hopkins University, the Canadian Center for Technology and Public Accountability, the World Bank, and scholars in more than thirty-six (36) countries. Dr. Friedson served pro-bono as scholarly article reviewer with Academia Letters (https://independent.academia.edu/ReidFriedsonPhD)
Dr. Friedson’s recent research specializations include regenerative environmental health, integrative medicine, and life extending bionanotechnology, cognitive and neurosciences, consciousness technology, information sciences, artificial intelligence (AI), space habitation, space colonization, seasteading, and multi-field converging technologies. Dr. Friedson conducted scholarly article peer reviews and edited the Terasem Journal of Personal Cyberconsciousness and Journal of Geoethical Nanotechnology.
A Gerson Lehrman Group (GLG) Council Member, Dr. Friedson served as strategic field and communications operations consultant with Space PAC, a political action committee (PAC) established by the founder of the satellite vehicle tracking and satellite radio industries who was also a pioneer in the ethics of genetic engineering.
Dr. Friedson revised and edited the Bernie Sanders for President (2016) National Organizing Guides which set the foundation for the largest ideological grassroots movement in American history. Dr. Friedson is a founding member of Our Revolution and associate of the Resistance School at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government and the University of California at Berkeley. Dr. Friedson is expert consultant and commentator with the Global Institute for Democracy and Strategic Studies (GIDSS). Dr. Friesdon’s holistic political and social movement blog The Liberator (2020) was read around the world on the Global Citizens Initiative website just as the global coronavirus pandemic hit.
In the early 1990s, Friedson was research assistant to comparative political systems economist, socioeconomic hyperlink database pioneer, economics professor emeritus, and founder of the Program for Social and Organizational Learning at George Mason University.
Since 2016, Dr. Friedson has developed and taught online Labor Studies (LS) courses including Labor Law, Leadership in Unions, and Labor, Politics, and Government for the Cornell University Worker Institute and Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor Relations (ILR).
Over the last twenty-seven (27) years (1996-2023), Dr. Friedson has distinguished himself as one of America’s best history, politics, social sciences, and humanities professors. Dr. Friedson was Lecturer of Comparative Government in Jamaica and Adjunct Professor of History in Liberty City, Miami, FL. Each year Reid Friedson, PhD is consistently ranked among the top 10% of professors in the United States of America (5.0/5.0: RateMyProfessors.com and IDEA Survey of Student Evaluations).
Dr. Reid Friedson has been a certified history, politics, social sciences, and language arts teacher in multiple jurisdictions and a Seminole Tribe of Florida tutor since 1987-88. The first courses Dr. Friedson taught at twenty (20) as Florida’s Community College Student Leader of the Year and Florida Blue Key award recipient included Debate, Street Law, and World History. Dr. Friedson taught humanities and social studies to rave reviews for two (2) National Blue Ribbon Secondary Schools of Excellence in Washington, DC, the Duke Ellington School of the Arts and the School Without Walls, and Dr. Friedson taught at Marjory Stoneman Douglas (MSD) in Parkland.
As consultant to the Educational Testing Service (ETS) at Princeton, Dr. Friedson developed national standards based college level (CLEP) examinations in Anthropology, Ethics in America, Organizational Behavior, and the Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union for the United States Department of Defense. As expert educational consultant to Study.com and its millions of students, Dr. Friedson performed quality control analyses of American Council on Education (ACE) accredited online college courses including Ethics in America, United States History, and the Holocaust and World War II.
Dr. Friedson tutors Advanced Placement (AP) United States History, European History, World History, Comparative Government and Politics, United States Government and Politics, Human Geography, Environmental Science, Sociology, Economics, and English Literature and Composition. Dr. Friedson tutors students in United States History and Government, Global History and Geography II, and Living Environments for the New York State Regents Exams and Dr. Friedson is nationally certified by ETS as an AP Capstone Research and Seminar Reader.
For the Home Schools of America, Dr. Friedson edited online American History, Practical Government, World Geography, Global Studies, Caribbean Studies, Sociology, Economics, Psychology, British Literature, Language Arts, and Personal Fitness home school textbooks, lessons, assignments, and examinations. Dr. Friedson is a member of the National Geographic Educators Network.
Dr. Friedson was World History and Critical Thinking standards setting assessment writer, editor, and quality assurance consultant to Western Governors University. As consultant to the University of Miami Global Academy Online, Friedson designed online Business Communication and Music Appreciation courses. As consultant to the Art Institutes International, Dr. Friedson authored online World Civilizations, American Cultural History, Sociology, Ethics, Effective Speaking, and Advanced Composition courses.
Dr. Friedson authored Geography Review in 20 Minutes a Day and Economics Review in 20 Minutes a Day for Learning Express, LLC. For Bar Charts, Inc., Friedson authored study guides on Geography, America, and the state histories of New York, Texas, and Florida. Dr. Friedson edited chapters of the groundbreaking textbook Teaching Strategies for Ethnic Studies.
Dr. Friedson was public educator with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Legislative Headquarters and the ACLU Capital Punishment Project on Capitol Hill. As investigator with the District of Columbia Public Defender Service, Friedson trained in the Georgetown University Law Center Criminal Procedure and Practice Clinic and he was civil law case manager with a federal and multi-state civil litigator.
Dr. Reid Friedson earned his Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Comparative Religion and Master of Metaphysical Science (MMsc) degrees as an University of Sedona Alumni Scholar. Dr. Friedson specializes in the history, theory, and practice of holistic counseling. Dr. Friedson has partnered with the Shift Network, a global Internet-based transformational education company focusing on spiritual growth and holistic health, and Dr. Friedson is a member of the Network of Spiritual Progressives. Reid Friedson was a sports editor at thirteen (13) and he was admitted early to study of history and philosophy at Florida State University. Reid Friedson has regularly practiced throughout his life meditation, multi-instrumental musical composition and blues singing, yoga, tai chi, qi gung, isometrics, swimming, boxing, martial arts, and other sports and holistic nature exploration activities including hiking and archaeology.
Admitted to the International History Honor Society at the age of 20 as an undergraduate (BA, History) at Florida Atlantic University, Friedson earned a Master of Arts (M.A.) degree in History from George Mason University as a James Madison Memorial Foundation Constitutional History Scholar. Dr. Friedson’s commentary appeared in The Nation and the multimedia documentary The Divine Plan (2009). Dr. Friedson’s multimedia documentary Osceola: Mapping A New Patriotism of the Florida Indian Wars is a candidate for the 2023 United States Library of Congress Lavine/Ken Burns Prize for Film. For his civil rights work, Dr. Friedson’s name appears on the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial in Washington, DC and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) Wall of Tolerance in Montgomery, Alabama.
Dr. Friedson was Visiting English Speaking Union (ESU) Scholar in Law and History at the University of Oxford (UK). His scholarly book reviews of Original Intentions of the United States Constitution and the Art of the Seminole and Miccosukee Indians appear in Vols. 16 and 17 of the Southern Historian. Friedson’s scholarly article “Radical Educators in New York City, 1909-15,” based on his primary source research in the Avrich Anarchism Collection of the United States Library of Congress, has been featured on the History of Education website broadcast from the Catholic University of Nijmegen in the Netherlands.
Friedson apprenticed as terrorism analyst with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). Friedson’s research investigations focused on state sponsored terrorism involving Russia, Iran, and the Middle East. Dr. Friedson is a digital ambassador allied with Israel’s Ministry of Strategic Affairs and Public Diplomacy and the World Jewish Congress.
Dr. Friedson served as consultant or associate to the Wild Spots Foundation, the Spotted Elk (Lakota) Family Foundation, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the United States Commerce Department. Dr. Friedson registered 400 voters for the Obama ’08 campaign in Florida and his writings on the Green New Deal (2009) appeared in the World Green Concept Magazine. As field director with Fair Districts Florida (2010), Friedson organized 450 petitioners and canvassers to amend the Florida Constitution and prohibit gerrymandering of Florida’s voting districts. Reid Friedson, PhD has been approved by the State of Florida as certified petitions circulator of constitutional amendments, ballot initiatives, and voter registrations.
Contributor to the Democracy Chronicles and the New Floridian, Dr. Friedson co-authored and edited the People of the State of Florida v. Rick Scott et al., a groundbreaking July 4, 2016 corrupt racketeering (RICO) petition to the United States Justice Department which provided the basis for the first Resolution issued by both the 1116th and 117th United States Congresses (2019-23), the For the People Act (HR 1), the most significant anti-corruption legislation since Watergate which inspired numerous historic investigations of the Trump crime ring as well as multiple monumental changes in federal and state law and legislation. Dr. Friedson authored the proposed 2017-18 Corporations Are Not People and Money is Not Speech Amendment to the Florida Constitution (PUB 700443).
Prior to joining the Cornell Adjunct Faculty Alliance (NYSUT/AFT/NEA/AFL-CIO) in 2016 as an anti-corruption democratic solidarity union reform member, Friedson established the Adjunct Faculty Union (AFU) at Indian River State College (AFU-IRSC) on July 9, 2013. Within a few months, the AFU spread thru social media in Florida and thirty-two (32) of the United States, Canada, England, India, Ireland, Chile, and the Philippines. Dr. Reid Friedson, PhD is a member of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) Public Services Department and Dr. Friedson has served as consulting editor to the IWW Education Department.
Expert independent confidential research investigations of individuals, corporations, associations, and industries suspected of corrupt practices and/or conflicts of interest. Strategic field and communications operations consultant for the public interest, Dr. Friedson has acquired well over 6,700 professional social media contacts.