Christina Carpenter
Creative Writing, Mechanics of Writing
I am a strong believer that learning should be fun. Teachers are some of the best learners. To obtain proficiency with any profession, it is important to master each level before. I, Christina Carpenter, received my bachelor’s degree in English Literature and my master’s degree in Education. I have over ten years teaching experience. As a classroom teacher, I know the
importance of the “extras.” The “extras” are tutoring and enrichment. Sometimes students need an extra push outside of class to master a subject or topic. Sometimes students need to satisfy their interests/hobbies outside of school. My enrichment was always art, but I specialize in writing. Creative writing, short stories, editorials, song writing and the mechanics of writing are some of my favorite forms of writing. I also know that education is not complete without cultivating the mind and body. Explore the art of writing and finding peace through yoga this school year with me!