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Andjela Andjelkovic

English, Serbian


Hello everyone! My name is Andjela Andjelkovic Dzokic, and I am from Serbia. I have been teaching English for over 8 years, and I have a grand passion for the language. I have a degree in English Language and Literature from the University of Pristina (Kosovo) and am certified to teach English as a Second Language. I have taught all levels of English, different courses, and students from different countries (China, Serbia, Israel, and Saudi Arabia). My native language is Serbian. I love teaching Serbian as well. I have been teaching the language to young children here in my country.

My motto is: “A teacher who is attempting to teach without inspiring the pupil with a desire to learn is hammering on cold iron.” Horace Mann.

My love of teaching is apparent in my actions and my career. I have an abiding interest in the development of the children and adults I teach. I will try to awaken the desire to learn in the minds of my students.

Little something about my life. I am a mom. I have a daughter and 3 furry babies. Besides having my dogs (two rescue dogs and my husband’s dog), I have saved over 50 dogs in the last two years. The number would be greater if we had an equipped animal shelter. I am a forceful advocate for animals and children. Being the voice for the voiceless is my goal.



Zdravo! Ja sam Andjela Andjelkovic, dolazim iz Srbije. Predajem engleski vec 8 godina I zaista uzivam u tome. Zavrsila sam Engleski jezik I knjizevnost, Univerzitet u Pristini. Takodje posedujem sertifikate TESOL I TEYL. U svom dosadasnjem radu upoznala sam studente iz raznih zemalja sveta, radila na usavrsavanju jezika sa decom I odraslima, predavala u ucionicama sa preko 25 dece. Moj maternji jezik je srpski, koji predajem deci iz Srbije.

Ja verujem da deca I odrasli uce lakse ukoliko im pomognemo da shvate ono sto predajemo. Ne mozemo nauciti nesto sto ne razumemo u potpunosti.

Tako I mi kao profesori, ucimo I sazrevamo uz nase ucenike.

A sada ensto malo o mom privatnom zivotu. Ja sam mama, imam cerku I 3 psa. Pored toga sto cuva svoje pse, ja spasavam ulicne pse. Ulicni psi su normalna stvar u Srbiji. Nema zakona koji regulise razmnozavanje pasa pa tako ljudi prodaju stence, a ono sto im ostane ostave na ulicama. Za nas, volontere, koji spasavamo zivotinje sa ulice uvek ima posla. Sklanjamo pse na sigurno I trazimo im domove.

Uzivam u radu sa zivotinjama I sa decom. Osecam se ispunjeno I srecno.

Deca i zivotinje ne mogu da se bore za sebe, zato smo mi tu da se borimo za njih. Mi smo njihov glas.

Andjela Andjelkovic
2780 E Fowler Ave, #2028
Tampa, Florida 33612 USA
+1-833-599-7272 Toll Free
+1-813-322-5178  Direct
+1-813-743-3273 Whatsapp

+1-813-668-0899 Fax

501(c)(3) Non-Profit Approved
FED EIN Tax ID: 87-3175362

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